I Want to Be A Medical Tourist But I'm Scared!
Mar 29, 2024Have you wanted to be a medical tourist but you are scared out of your mind? Have you been diagnosed with a disease and are curious about treatments in other countries? Has your insurance company denied covering your medication or treatment? Do you have insurance but are paying out of pocket anyway? Are you considering cancling your insurance because it doesn't cover your need but afraid to go without healthcare? If you answer yes to even one of those questions then this video is for you. If you are tired of having to coupon clip and budget in order to even think about going to a doctor then this video is for you. If you are forced to pay thousands of dollars to reach your deductible then this video is for you. I have been helping people access wellness by being a medical tourist and helping them travel abroad to get the care and treatment that they deserve as American citizens that they cant receive in the US because the United states treats healthcare like a business. Ive been there, I know that journey of not having health insurance and having to be resourceful in order to just see a doctor or dentist. I know when you are in dire straights and unable to pay for a medication thats regulated by the stock market… I know what its like to try to apply for medicaid but being denied because you make $100 more then the limit. It’s disgusting the way the US handles healthcare but Ive cracked the code.